The group in a press statement expressed concern over the number which they believe may not be necessary considering the country's current state . According to them, the dire state of the nation’s economy puts it in a position where supporting such a huge number of ministers is detrimental to the country’s development.
They believe that the NPP and President Akufo-Addo’s promise to protect the national purse is impracticable with this large number of ministers since each of these ministers who in comparison to the average Ghanaian, will be earning a considerable amount of money in salaries, allowances and benefits over the next 4 years alongside the range of ex-gratia benefits they are entitled to when they leave office.
Touching on corruption, the statement indicated that the huge size of government officials may increase the chances of corruption in government, the very issue government has pledged to tackle from its roots.
“The problems that beset this nation are known to all. Paramount among them is the issue of corruption. In creating such a huge bureaucracy, have we not increased the chances of corrupt officials plundering the little that we have left as a nation?”, the statement read.
They recommended as a matter of urgency that a set of key performance indicators (KPIs) be developed for each ministerial position and published on the ministerial website as part of responsibilities for the Minster for Monitoring and Evaluation.
The site, they added should be assessed annually or biannually by the President, his Vice and the Minister in charge of Monitoring and Evaluation to avoid an overlap of duties and duplication of responsibilities between ministers. According to them, any persons found culpable under the assessment scheme should be dismissed, this they stated will ensure effectiveness and accountability in government.
The group has therefore urged the President to revise his ministerial appointments to avoid waste and corruption to avert destruction of the economy and the country at large.
Minister for Information, Mustapha Hamid on Wednesday March 15, announced the current number of ministerial appointments of President Akufo-Addo as 110, the largest number of ministerial appointments so far in the history of Ghana.
There has been mixed reactions from various sections of the public and some members from opposition parties over the huge number of ministerial appointments with many urging the President to revise his decision and consider cutting down the number.
President Akufo-Addo in response indicated that he contrary to what many believe the appointments is on course, adding that, he needs men for unprecedented challenges and persons who will aid him implement all the promises and pledges he made to Ghanaians during the elections.
Source: citifmonline.com
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